June 24, 2024

Evaluation of the DoD’s Accountability of Lost or Destroyed Defense Articles Provided to Ukraine Requiring Enhanced End Use Monitoring (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑097)

The objective of this evaluation was to determine whether the U.S. European Command’s Office of Defense Cooperation–Ukraine obtained complete loss reports for enhanced end use monitoring designated defense articles provided to the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a timely manner.

June 21, 2024

Audit of Climate Change Adaptation and Facility Resilience at Military Installations in California (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑100)

The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Military Services assessed facility resilience and planned for adaptation needed to address climate change and extreme weather events at installations in California. Specifically, we determined whether four installations in California assessed facility resilience and planned for adaptation needed to address the effects of wildfires, drought, and recurrent flooding.

June 18, 2024

Management Advisory: Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China and Associated Affiliates for Research Activities or Any Foreign Countries for the Enhancement of Pathogens of Pandemic Potential (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑099)

The purpose of this management advisory is to inform Congress and DoD leadership of the results of our review required in response to Public Law 118 31, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024,” section 252, “Audit to Identify Diversion of Department of Defense Funding to China’s Research Labs.

June 14, 2024

Evaluation of a Classified Program 2 (Report No. DODIG-2024-098)

This report contains classified information and no redacted version is available. To file a Freedom of Information Act Request, please submit a request to FOIA.gov.

June 13, 2024

Audit of Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation Contracts for DoD Components (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑096)

The objective of this audit was to determine whether DoD Components effectively managed Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) contracts. In addition, we determined whether DoD Components awarded support contracts that met the FIAR goal of providing a reliable financial environment and whether they used appropriated funds efficiently when obtaining contractor support.

June 11, 2024

Audit of the DoD’s Revaluation of the Support Provided to Ukraine Through Presidential Drawdown Authority (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑095)

The objective of this audit was to determine the extent and impact of the March 2023 estimation change for valuing assets provided under Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA ), determine whether DoD Components followed the current policy when updating the value of items provided to the Government of Ukraine through PDA, and assess whether the current PDA valuation policy complies with Federal laws and regulations.

June 10, 2024

Management Advisory: Matters Regarding Naval Support Activity Crane Identified While Evaluating Accountability of Ukraine-Bound Equipment to Sea Ports of Embarkation in the Continental United States (Report No. DODIG-2024-094)

This report contains controlled unclassified information and no redacted version is available. To file a Freedom of Information Act Request, please submit a request to FOIA.gov.

June 10, 2024

Evaluation of the Accountability of Ukraine-Bound Equipment to Sea Ports of Embarkation in the Continental United States (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑093)

The objective of this evaluation is to determine whether DoD Components are effectively accounting for defense materials being provided to Ukraine from their points of origin to seaports of embarkation within the continental United States.

June 4, 2024

Special Report: Summary of Prior DoD Office of Inspector General Contract Pricing Audits and Other Reviews (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑092)

The House Report 118 301, conference report to accompany H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, required the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General to provide a briefing on status and findings of the oversight that the Office of Inspector General has conducted related to fair and reasonable costs in contracting.

May 31, 2024

Audit of DoD Training of Ukrainian Armed Forces: Patriot Air and Missile Defense System and Collective Training (Report No. DODIG-2024-090)

The objective of this audit was to determine the extent to which the Department of Defense trained the Ukrainian Armed Forces to operate and maintain U.S.-provided defense articles. This report includes the results of our review of the operational and maintenance training that the Army provided to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the Patriot long-range air and missile defense system, and of collective training provided to Ukrainian infantry battalions.