Anti-Harassment Program

David Memnon

Program Manager


Harassment, of any sort, is not consistent with the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) core values and will not be tolerated. The Anti-Harassment Program is a strategic and vital agency resource for employees and managers to identify, prevent, and address harassment in the workplace. It is also a harassment reporting resource for Service members and civilians who interact with DoD OIG employees on official business.


It is the DoD OIG’s policy that all employees promote a culture of personal dignity and mutual respect. Harassment of any sort is inconsistent with this environment of dignity and respect, and creating and maintaining an environment that is free from harassment is essential to accomplishing the DoD OIG mission.

Furthermore, it is DoD OIG policy that supervisors and co-workers will foster an environment that supports an employee who, in good faith, reports harassment, who participates in an investigation of harassment, or who opposes a practice believed to constitute harassment. The DoD OIG will not tolerate retaliation of any kind against these employees. Supervisors or co-workers who retaliate, ostracize, or otherwise fail to foster a supportive environment may face disciplinary action.


Harassment is behavior that is unwelcome or offensive to a reasonable person, and interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Allegations of harassment will be evaluated under the totality of the circumstances, to include an assessment of the nature of the conduct and the context in which the conduct occurred. In some circumstances, a single incident of harassing behavior is prohibited harassment whereas, in other circumstances, repeated or recurring harassing behavior may be required to constitute prohibited harassment.


The Anti-Harassment Program is committed to serving as a resource to educate all DoD OIG employees on effective methods to identify and address harassment. The Anti-Harassment Program reinforces the DoD OIG’s core values of Integrity, Independence, and Excellence.


Please report any concerns of harassment to: