The DoD OIG is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, and has more than 50 field offices located in the United States, Germany, Southwest Asia, and South Korea. We employ more than 1,750 dedicated professionals comprised of auditors, investigators, evaluators, and support personnel. Our team of oversight professionals are committed to improving the DoD and is guided by our values of integrity, independence, and excellence.

Audit conducts audits that address the DoD's top priorities and management challenges; promote the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of DoD programs and operations; and detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse.
Administrative Investigations
Administrative Investigations (AI) helps ensure ethical conduct throughout the DoD by conducting investigations and overseeing DoD Component investigations of allegations of misconduct by senior DoD officials, whistleblower reprisal, and Service member restriction from communication with an IG or Member of Congress. AI also manages the DoD Hotline and the Contractor Disclosure Program, provides education and training on whistleblower protections through its Whistleblower Protection Coordinator, and facilitates voluntary resolution of whistleblower reprisal allegations through its Alternative Dispute Resolution program.
Defense Criminal Investigative Service
The Defense Criminal Investigative Service investigates matters related to DoD programs and operations; to detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse; and help ensure ethical conduct throughout the DoD.
Evaluations conducts evaluations that promote the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of DoD programs and operations.
Mission Support Team
The Mission Support Team provides essential services to the DoD OIG enterprise, both at DoD OIG headquarters and at field offices located throughout the world. These services include strategic planning, human capital management, financial management, acquisition support, logistics services, information management and information technology support, security management, quality assurance and standards oversight, data analytics support, and correspondence management.
Overseas Contingency Operations
Overseas Contingency Operations coordinates comprehensive joint oversight and reporting on overseas contingency operations by the DoD OIG and other federal OIGs in fulfillment of the DoD IG’s Lead Inspector General responsibilities.
Legislative Affairs and Communications
General Counsel
Equal Employment Opportunity