July 9, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation ofthe Military Departments' Implementation of Prohibited Activity Training to Prevent, Identify, and Counter Extremist Activities (Project No. D2024-DEV0HC-0148.000)

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that we plan to begin the subject evaluation in July 2024. The objective of this evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of the Military Departments' efforts to develop and implement prohibited activity training to prevent, identify, and counter extremist activities.

July 9, 2024

Audit of the DoD’s Development and Maintenance of the Digital Modernization Strategy (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑104)

The objective of this audit was to determine whether the DoD developed and maintained the Digital Modernization Strategy in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-130.

July 9, 2024

Evaluation of Contested Mobility Training Requirements for Personnel Supporting the DoD Surge Sealift Mission (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑106)

The objective of this evaluation was to determine whether the DoD effectively provided contested mobility training requirements for personnel supporting the DoD surge sealift mission.

July 8, 2024

Project Announcement: Audit of Data License Rights in Air Force Weapon System Contracts (Project No. D2024-D000AH-0146.000)

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that we plan to begin the subject audit in July 2024.

July 8, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of DoD’s Ability to Defend Against a Hypersonic Missile Attack (Project No. D2024-DEV0SN-0157.000)

The objective of this evaluation is to assess the DoD’s ability, using existing U.S. weapon systems, to defend against a hypersonic missile attack. We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives. We plan to perform this evaluation in accordance with the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency “Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation.”

July 8, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of U.S. Navy Efforts to Recapitalize Surge Sealift Vessels (Project No. D2024-DEV0PA-0128.000)

The objective of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness with which the U.S. Navy is recapitalizing the surge sealift fleet. Specifically, we will evaluate the Navy’s efforts to extend the service life of existing vessels, acquire used vessels, and construct new vessels in support of its surge sealift capability.

July 8, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of DoD Ability to Maintain Command and Control of Nuclear Forces Following a Nuclear Attack (Project No. D2024-DEV0SN-0147.000)

The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the effectiveness with which the DoD maintains command and control of nuclear forces, specifically, the ability to maintain connectivity between the President, Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and nuclear forces following a nuclear attack.

July 8, 2024

Evaluation of Selected DoD Senior Colleges’ Response to Allegations of Harassment (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑105)

The objective of this evaluation was to determine the extent to which selected DoD senior colleges responded to allegations of harassment in accordance with DoD policy.

July 2, 2024

DoD Compliance with the Buy American Act for Light Emitting Diode Lighting Improvement Projects (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑102)

The objective of this audit was to determine whether DoD officials complied with the Buy American Act and provided the best value to the DoD when procuring light emitting diode lighting improvement projects using energy savings contracts.

July 1, 2024

Summary External Peer Review of the Air Force Audit Agency (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑103)

This final report combines the results of the Army Audit Agency’s external peer review of the Air Force Audit Agency non Special Access Program projects and our peer review of Special Access Program projects to make a summary assessment on the system of quality control for the Air Force Audit Agency for the 3 year period that ended on December 31, 2022. We are providing this final report for your information and use. The report does not contain recommendations. We provided a discussion draft of this report to the Auditor General of the Department of the Air Force, who provided no additional comments. Therefore, we are publishing this report in final form.