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July 20, 2020

Project Announcement: Quality Control Review of a Single Audit of Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine's Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2019 (Project No. D2020-DEV0SO-0156.000)

We will be performing a quality control review on the single audit of the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine’s fiscal year ended September 30, 2019, under Project No. D2020-DEV0SO-0156.000. The single audit is required by Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards” (Uniform Guidance). The purpose of our review is to determine whether the audit work was performed in accordance with Federal requirements and applicable auditing standards.

July 20, 2020

Project Announcement: Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury Screening in the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility (Project No. D2020-DEV0PD-0121.000)

We plan to begin the subject evaluation in July 2020. The objective of this evaluation is to determine whether U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) screened, documented, and tracked DoD service members suspected of sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury to determine whether a return to duty status for current operations was acceptable or evacuation and additional care was required. We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives.

July 16, 2020

Lead Inspector General for East Africa And North And West Africa Counterterrorism Operations I Quarterly Report to the United States Congress | January 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020

This Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) report to the United States Congress on the East Africa Counterterrorism Operation and the North and West Africa Counterterrorism Operation is the 7th quarterly report detailing both operations. The purpose of these operations is to degrade al Qaeda and ISIS affiliates, and other terrorist groups, in designated regions of Africa. This report covers the period from January 1, 2020, through to March 31, 2020.

July 16, 2020

Followup Evaluation of Report DODIG-2016-078, Evaluation of the Department of Defense’s Biological Select Agents and Toxins Biosafety and Biosecurity Program Implementation (DODIG-2020-105)

Publicly Released: July 20, 2020

The objective of this followup evaluation was to validate implementation of recommendations from report DODIG 2016 078, “Evaluation of DoD Biological Safety and Security Implementation,” April 27, 2016.

July 13, 2020

Project Announcement: Audit of the Department of Defense Management of Depot-Level Reparables for Major-End Items (Project No. D2020-D000RK-0157.000)

We plan to begin the subject audit in July 2020. The objective of this audit is to determine whether the Military Services manage depot-level reparables to meet DoD requirements for maintaining authorized stock levels and to meet program readiness levels. We may revise the objective as the audit proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives.

July 10, 2020

Audit of Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan’s Implementation of the Core Inventory Management System Within the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (DODIG-2020-104)

Publicly Released: July 14, 2020

The objective of this audit was to determine whether Combined Security Transition Command– Afghanistan’s (CSTC A) implementation of the Core Inventory Management System (CoreIMS) has improved weapon and vehicle accountability in Afghanistan since 2016. Our audit focused on Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) weapon and vehicle records maintained in CoreIMS from August 2016 through August 2019.

July 9, 2020

Audit of Purchases of Ammonium Perchlorate Through Subcontracts With a Single Department of Defense-Approved Domestic Supplier (DODIG-2020-095)

Publicly Released: July 13, 2020

The objective of this audit was to determine whether DoD subcontractors properly evaluated the commercial item determination and whether DoD contracting officers properly evaluated fair and reasonable pricing determinations for ammonium perchlorate.

July 8, 2020

Audit of the Department of Defense’s Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization of Military Medical Treatment Facilities (DODIG-2020-103)

Publicly Released: July 10, 2020 The objective of this audit was to identify issues that the Defense Health Agency will need to address after it assumes responsibility for the sustainment, restoration, and modernization (SRM) of all military medical treatment facilities within the Military Health System.

July 6, 2020

Project Announcement: Audit of Coalition Partner Reimbursements for Air Transportation Services in Afghanistan (Project No. D2020-D000RJ-0155.000)

We plan to begin the subject audit in July 2020. The objective of this audit is to determine whether the DoD sought full reimbursement for air transportation services provided to Coalition partners in Afghanistan in accordance with DoD policy and international agreements. We may revise the objective as the audit proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives.

July 2, 2020

Quality Control Review of the Tate & Tryon Fiscal Year 2016 Single Audit of American Society for Engineering Education (DODIG-2020-102)

Publicly Released: July 7, 2020

The objective of this quality control review was to determine whether Tate & Tryon, P.C. (Tate & Tryon) performed the FY 2016 single audit of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in accordance with auditing standards and Federal requirements.