The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, requires the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) to prepare semiannual reports summarizing its activities for the preceding 6-month period. These semiannual reports are intended to keep the Secretary of Defense and Congress fully informed of significant findings, progress the DoD has made relating to those findings, and recommendations for improvement.
For the reporting period of October 1, 2017, through March 31, 2018, the DoD OIG issued a total of 93 audit, inspection, and evaluation reports.
The DoD OIG Auditing component issued 68 reports that identified $240 million in questioned costs and $211 million in funds put to better use. The Policy and Oversight component issued 13 evaluation reports addressing its oversight of audit, investigative, and technical issues in the DoD, including a report evaluating deficiencies in the submission to the FBI of fingerprint records by DoD components. The Special Plans and Operations component issued 7 reports, including a report on Implementation of the DoD Leahy Law Regarding Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse by Members of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and a report on the Army’s Tactical Explosive Detection Dog Disposition Process. The Intelligence and Special Program Assessments component released 5 classified reports, including an evaluation of the Long Range Strike-Bomber Program Security Controls.
The Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) opened 215 cases, closed 254 cases, and has 1,583 ongoing investigations, involving criminal allegations of procurement fraud, public corruption, product substitution, health care fraud, illegal transfer of technology, and cyber-crimes. DCIS investigations, many of which are conducted jointly with other law enforcement organizations, resulted in $178.3 million in civil judgments and settlements; $293.1 million in criminal fines, penalties, and restitution ordered; and $58.3 million in administrative recoveries.
In the Administrative Investigations (AI) component, the DoD Hotline received 5,776 contacts, opened 2,997 cases, and closed 3,773 cases. During the reporting period, AI received 368 senior official complaints and 940 whistleblower reprisal and restriction complaints, and closed 387 senior official and 928 whistleblower reprisal and restriction complaints.
The DoD OIG also continues to have important responsibilities as the Lead Inspector General for two overseas contingency operations— Operation Inherent Resolve (the effort to degrade and defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria) and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (the effort to build partner capacity within the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and to counter terrorism in Afghanistan). In addition, during this semiannual period, the DoD IG was appointed as the Lead IG for a new overseas contingency operation—Operation Pacific Eagle – Philippines (the effort to support the Philippine government’s fight against ISIS and other extremist groups). To provide coordinated oversight of these overseas contingency operations, the DoD OIG works closely with OIG partners from the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as other oversight partners, such as the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, other federal OIGs, the Government Accountability Office, and the Military Service Inspectors General. This continuous coordinated oversight among Federal Inspectors General is unique in the Inspector General community, and is representative of an important “whole of government” approach to oversight of overseas contingency operations.
The oversight work performed by other members of the DoD Accountability Community is also included in this report.
*An earlier version of this report erroneously stated that there were 88 audits, evaluations, and inspections.