This FY 2019 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Overseas Contingency Operations (COP–OCO) is the fourth annual joint strategic oversight plan submitted to Congress by the Lead Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations (Lead IG). This report describes the Lead IG and partner agencies’ oversight of U.S. activities in support of the ongoing overseas contingency operations.
The content and structure of the COP–OCO comply with the oversight requirements directed by Congress in the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. This COP–OCO includes the Joint Strategic Oversight Plans for Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), for Afghanistan and Operation Pacific Eagle – Philippines (OPE-P). The Afghanistan oversight plan includes Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (OFS), as well as ongoing governance and civil society, humanitarian assistance and development, and stabilization and infrastructure programs and activities that are conducted separately from OFS. Additionally, there is a classified appendix for two OCOs in Africa and one in the Middle East.
The COP–OCO includes:
• Section 1 contains the oversight plan for OIR, as well as the listing of all oversight projects and prior fiscal year published reports for OIR.
• Section 2 contains the oversight plan for Afghanistan, including OFS, as well as the listing of all oversight projects and prior fiscal year published reports for Afghanistan.
• Section 3 contains the oversight plan for OPE-P.
• Section 4 contains a listing of planned oversight projects and prior fiscal year published reports for other oversight projects in Southwest Asia.
For FY 2018, and as of August 31, 2018, the Federal and Military Service oversight agencies have completed 171 projects, and reported findings and recommendations to improve internal controls, reduce costs, ensure safety, and improve operational efficiencies. Federal and Military Service oversight agencies continue to monitor, audit, and evaluate these overseas contingency operations, as well as other programs and activities within Africa, the Middle East, and the Philippines.
As conditions in the overseas contingency operations change, Federal and Military Service oversight agencies may undertake additional oversight projects, and the COP-OCO will change accordingly. The Lead IG agencies will continue to promote this coordinated oversight effort across agency jurisdictional boundaries to ensure effective oversight to assist Congress and agency leaders in making informed program, policy, and funding decisions.