Publicly Released: December 21, 2021
The purpose of this memorandum is to advise officials responsible for the relocation of Afghan evacuees of results from our site visit to Rhine Ordnance Barracks (ROB), Germany, on September 23, 2021, where the audit team observed the housing conditions and support of Afghan evacuees. We conducted the work on this project with integrity, objectivity, and independence, as required by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s Quality Standards for Federal Offices of Inspector General. (U) Our review of the ROB evacuee facility was conducted as part of the DoD OIG “Audit of DoD Support for the Relocation of Afghan Nationals.”
The objective of this audit is to determine whether the DoD has adequately planned and provided support for the relocation of Afghan nationals. The audit team visited ROB to review sustainment, including housing and medical care, and physical security support associated with this effort. In addition to the site visit, the audit team reviewed documentation provided by 21st Theater Sustainment Command (21st TSC) and 16th Sustainment Brigade (16th SB) personnel, such as briefing charts, funding documents, and event schedules.