Category: DoD OIG Agency Financial Report

Nov. 15, 2023

DoD FY 2023 Agency Financial Report, including the FY 2023 and FY 2022 Agency-Wide Financial Statements

On November 15, 2023, the DoD published the DoD FY 2023 Agency Financial Report, including the FY 2023 and FY 2022 Agency-Wide Financial Statements audited by the DoD Office of Inspector General (OIG).  The DoD OIG issued a disclaimer of opinion —meaning that the auditors could not obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence to support an opinion on the financial statements.  The DoD Components received 7 unmodified (clean) opinions, 1 qualified opinion, and 18 disclaimers of opinion, while 3 audits are on-going.

April 30, 2021

Fiscal Year 2020 Agency Financial Report

RMA Associates, LLC (RMA), an independent public accounting firm, audited our FY 2020 financial statements. RMA issued the DoD OIG an unmodified opinion, expressing that our financial statements are presented, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The DoD OIG has maintained its unmodified opinion for the sixth year in a row, and we will continue to improve our financial management and reporting processes in FY 2021.