HomeComponentsAdministrative Investigations

Administrative Investigations

Marguerite C. Garrison, Deputy Inspector General for Administrative Investigations


Administrative Investigations (AI) investigates and oversees DoD Component investigations of allegations of misconduct by senior DoD officials, and allegations of whistleblower reprisal and restriction from communication with an Inspector General or Member of Congress. AI also provides a confidential DoD Hotline for reporting fraud, waste, and abuse and for detecting and preventing threats and danger to the public health and safety of the DoD.

March 15, 2019

Report of Investigation: Ms. Jill Vines Loftus Senior Executive Service Department of the Navy Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office DODIG-2019-068

We initiated this investigation on January 16, 2018. During our investigation, we also identified an emergent allegation that Ms. Loftus failed to treat her staff with respect. If substantiated, these actions would violate standards summarized throughout this report.

Feb. 21, 2019

Report of Investigation: Ms. Ellen Ardrey Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency DODIG-2019-053

We initiated this investigation into a series of anonymous complaints alleging that Ms. Ellen Ardrey, Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service (DISES), while serving as Director of the Human Development Directorate (HD), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), circumvented DoD policy and wasted government resources in her management of NGA’s Voluntary Early Retirement Authority and Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments. The complaints asserted that Ms. Ardrey improperly permitted NGA senior officials to downgrade to non-senior official positions within the agency for one pay period, and then paid them $40,000 each as buyout incentives to leave the agency without obtaining required approval from the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD(P&R)).

Oct. 10, 2018

Report of Investigation John M. Richardson Admiral U.S. Navy DODIG-2019-002

We initiated an investigation that assessed Navy Admiral John M. Richardson’s response to sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations against a member of his personal staff.

July 5, 2018

Report of Investigation: Rick A. Uribe Brigadier General U.S. Marine Corps DODIG-2018-131

We investigated allegations that Brigadier General Uribe, while serving as the Deputy Commanding General for Operations-Baghdad, and Director, Combined Joint Operations Center, Baghdad, Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command, Iraq, between May 2016 and June 2017, permitted his officer aide-de-camp to perform activities other than those required in the performance of official duties.

Feb. 9, 2018

Report of Investigation: Mr. Joseph F. Guzowski Senior Executive Service DODIG 2018-062

We initiated this investigation to address an allegation that Mr. Joseph F. Guzowski, Senior Executive Service, Principal Director to The Inspector General for Inspections, Headquarters, Department of the Army Inspector General Agency, failed to treat an employee with dignity and respect. During our investigation, we identified three additional complainants who alleged additional instances in which Mr. Guzowski engaged in a course of conduct that failed to treat employees with dignity and respect. We substantiated the allegation.