Many of our proposed oversight projects align with one or more of the top management and performance challenges facing the DoD. The DoD OIG identified these challenges based on our oversight work, research, and judgment; oversight work done by other components within the DoD; input from DoD leaders; and oversight projects by the Government Accountability Office. While we solicited input from the DoD, we identified these challenges independently.
In this FY 2018 Oversight Plan, we describe the top management and performance challenges facing the DoD and detail the oversight projects we intend to initiate that relate to each of those challenges. At the end of this oversight plan, we provide an appendix of all projects by responsible office.
The ten top management and performance challenges are not listed in order of importance; rather, they are all critical and difficult management and performance challenges facing the DoD. The top ten challenges are:
1. Countering Strategic Challenges: North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, and Transnational Terrorism
2. Addressing Challenges in Overseas Contingency Operations in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan
3. Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management
4. Increasing Cyber Security and Cyber Capabilities
5. Improving Financial Management
6. Maintaining the Nuclear Enterprise
7. Optimally Balancing Readiness, Modernization, and Force Structure
8. Ensuring Ethical Conduct
9. Providing Effective, Comprehensive, and Cost Effective Health Care
10. Identifying and Implementing Efficiencies in the DoD