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March 5, 2013
Project Announcement: Audit of U.S. Air Force F119 Engine Spare Parts Procured from Pratt and Whitney for the F-22 Raptor
We plan to begin the subject audit in March 2013. Our objective is to determine whether the U.S. Air Force is purchasing sole-source F119 engine spare parts at fair and reasonable prices from Pratt and Whitney for the F-22 Raptor. This is report Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Could Not Identify Actual Cost of F119 Engine Spare Parts Purchased From Pratt and Whitney DODIG-2014-038.
March 1, 2013
Project Announcement: Audit of the Marine Corps CH-53K Helicopter Program
The objective of this audit is to evaluate Naval Air Systems Command acquisition management of the CH-53K program. This is the second in a series of audits of the Marine Corps CH-53K helicopter program. This is report CH-53K Program Management Is Satisfactory, but Risks Remain DODIG-2013-133.
Feb. 7, 2013
Project Announcement: Audit of Department of the Air Force Financial Improvement Plan
The objective of this audit is to determine whether the Air Force effectively managed contractor services related to its financial improvement plan to achieve DoD financial improvement and audit readiness plan goals.
Feb. 5, 2013
Project Announcement: Audit of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Within the Department of Defense
The objective of this audit is to determine whether additional ERP systems cost increases and schedule delays have occurred since the July 2012 audit report was issued. This is report Status of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems’ Cost, Schedule, and Management Actions Taken to Address Prior Recommendations DODIG-2013-111.
Feb. 4, 2013
Project Announcement: Audit of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Supply Chain Management of Mission Critical Batteries
The objective of this audit is to determine whether the DLA is effectively fulfilling warfighter requirements for batteries designated mission-critical by military services. This is report Defense Logistics Agency Effectively Managed Continental U.S. Mission-Critical Batteries DODIG-2014-032.
Feb. 1, 2013
Project Announcement: Audit of Army Compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Revisions for the Use of Cost-Reimbursement Contracts
The objective of this audit is to determine whether the Army complied with interim Federal Acquisition Regulation revisions on the use of cost-reimbursable contracts. This audit is required by the FY 2009 National Defense Authorization Act. This is report Army Needs Better Processes to Justify and Manage Cost-Reimbursement Contracts DODIG-2013-120.
Project Announcement: Audit of Price Reasonableness Determinations for Datron World Communications, Inc. Contracts Awarded by the U.S. Army Contracting Command for the Afghan National Security Forces
The objective of this audit is to determine whether the U.S. Army Contracting Command obtained fair and reasonable prices for communications equipment and components procured from Datron World Communications, Inc. for the Afghan National Security Forces. This is report U.S. Army Contracting Command Did Not Obtain Fair and Reasonable Prices for Communications Equipment DODIG-2014-020.
Project Announcement: Audit of F/A-18 Aircraft Inventory Management
The objective of this audit is to determine whetherDoD is cost-effectively managing the inventory of spare parts for the F/A-18 aircraft.
Project Announcement: Post Audit Review of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) FY 2012 Working Capital Fund Financial Statements
The objective of this audit is to determine whether the procedures performed by an independent accounting firm for the audit of the DFAS FY 2012 Working Capital Fund financial statements were done in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards, as well as other criteria required to fulfill the contract requirements. This is report Independent Review of the DFAS FY 2012 Working Capital Fund Financial Statement Audit DODIG-2015-091.
Project Announcement: Audit of the U.S. Africa Command Surface Distribution Network
This objective of this audit is to determine whether the U.S. Africa Command Surface Distribution Network is improving logistical support in theater.