The objective of this project was to assess the planning and execution of the Afghan National Police (ANP) logistics, supply, and maintenance systems developed and implemented by U.S. and Coalition forces in Afghanistan. Specifically, this assessment evaluated whether:
- U.S. and Coalition goals, objectives, plans, guidance, and resources were sufficient to effectively develop, manage, and transition logistics, supply, and maintenance systems to the ANP in 2014;
- U.S. and Coalition plans to transition ANP logistics and maintenance processes to Afghan lead included mitigation for the impact of delays in the transition; and
- U.S. and Coalition plans and resources would effectively support ANP logistics, supply, and maintenance systems sustainment and continued development beyond 2014.
Coalition force and ANP leaders recognized that development of logistics, including supply and maintenance capabilities, was crucial to long-term ANP success. Coalition force advisors identified a need for certain policy updates in support of logistics transition, and encouraged the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and ANP leaders to implement and enforce established logistics policies and processes. Coalition, MoI, and ANP leaders readily offered input on and analysis of MoI and ANP logistics development, and the importance of implementing a demand-based logistics, supply, and maintenance system to ANP mission success.
This report contains 11 observations, resulting in 29 recommendations. Our team identified key logistics issues in three areas—resources, policy implementation and enforcement, and emerging logistics processes.
- Resource-related sustainment challenges included: Afghan budget laws and procedures that impeded ANP logistics funding, planning, and execution; the inability of the MoI to fund existing ANP infrastructure at a minimal essential level for operations; and insufficient numbers of skilled, experienced candidates available to Coalition forces to serve as ANP logistics advisors.
- Issues with MoI and ANP implementation and enforcement of logistics policies and procedures included: core deficiencies in the ANP logistics system; failure to identify supply needs and plan in accordance with ANP logistics requirements; lack of support for Regional Logistics Centers (RLCs); delayed review and revision of required MoI logistics policies and guidance; and failure to take advantage of logistics training offered by the Afghan National Army Combat Service Support (ANA CSS) School.
- Challenges and opportunities related to emerging logistics processes included: implementation of automated processes used to manage inventory; transition of ANP maintenance from contract?delivered support; and lack of fleet management plans for vehicles and other major items of equipment.
We recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy establish a formal developmental program, including career track incentives, for individuals who volunteer as MoI advisors during the post-2014 Resolute Support Mission.
We recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff Support, Resolute Support / Essential Function (EF)5 Lead:
- Advise and assist the ANP National Logistics Center (NLC) to issue frequently-demanded supply items to RLCs in accordance with RLC demands and authorized levels of supply stocks; ensure advisors are able to assist ANP to develop basic logistics expertise at national, regional, and provincial / district levels; assist ministries with options for increasing accessibility to the Core Inventory Management System (CoreIMS) through wireless solutions; advise and assist the MoI to require ANP to use CoreIMS as connectivity issues are resolved, and to determine if the Nangarhar RLC performs a necessary function.
- Begin a phased reduction of the ANP vehicle maintenance contract; determine logistics advisor requirements; and, in coordination with the Defense Security Cooperation Agency and U.S. Central Command, ensure incoming advisors meet rank, skill-level, and experience requirements.
- Advise and assist the MoI to validate, implement, and enforce published logistics policies; develop an ANP supply forecasting and requirements process; and, advise and assist the MoI and the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to establish an Afghan Program Management Office to oversee system support for CoreIMS.
- Advise the MoI to enforce its RLC policy or change the policy to reflect changes to RLC usage and procedures; update and consolidate MoI logistics policies; and develop an ANP vehicle and equipment fleet management plan.
We recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan / EF1 Lead:
- Advise and assist the Ministry of Finance to propose and adopt a modification of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) budget law and/or procurement law to allow for an expanded period of time to initiate and complete current year budget and procurement actions; advise and assist the MoI Facilities Director to inventory and develop a plan to reduce ANP facilities; and advise and assist MoI to review, and if necessary, gain an enhanced role over the coordination of the Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan?funded construction with the MoI.
- Advise and assist the MoI to determine the cost-effectiveness of hiring civilians versus uniformed police personnel to work in ANP vehicle maintenance positions; advise and assist the MoI and MoD to update the memorandum of understanding allowing ANP personnel to attend Afghan National Army (ANA) logistics training; and create a mechanism to transfer funds between ANP and ANA for student support.
We recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Resolute Support / EF4 Lead, advise and assist the MoI and Afghan National Police Training General Command to: develop a sustainment training policy to provide training to ANP logistics personnel at all levels; monitor ANP attendance at the ANA CSS School; and encourage ANP Commanders to send logistics personnel to the ANA CSS School.
This report is a result of Project No. D2014-D00SPO-0129.000.