Tag: COVID-19

May 23, 2024

Audit of DoD Health Care Personnel Shortages During the Coronavirus Disease–2019 Pandemic (Report No. DODIG-2024-086)

The objective of this audit was to determine whether selected DoD medical treatment facilities experienced shortages in health care personnel before and during the COVID‑19 pandemic. As our audit continued, we used the available data from the Defense Health Agency to examine ongoing medical staffing challenges as well.

Jan. 12, 2024

Audit of DoD Use of the Government Purchase Card in Response to the Coronavirus Disease–2019 Pandemic (DODIG-2024-045)

The objective of this audit was to determine whether cardholders used Government Purchase Cards (GPCs) to support the DoD’s response to the coronavirus disease–2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in accordance with Federal and DoD policies.