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Dec. 3, 2015
Project Announcement: Evaluation of Contracting Officer Actions on Defense Contract Audit Agency Reported Cost Accounting Standard Deficiencies (Project No. D2016-DAPOCF-0018.000)
We will begin the subject evaluation in December 2015. This is report Evaluation of Contracting Officer Actions on Cost Accounting Standard Noncompliances Reported byDefense Contract Audit Agency DODIG-2017-032.
Dec. 2, 2015
Project Announcement: Audit of DoD Cloud Computing Cost-Benefit Analysis (Project No. D2015-D000AU-0099.000)
This is the second in a series of audits on cloud computing. Our objective is to determine whether selected DoD Components performed a cost-benefit analysis before acquiring cloud computing services. This is report Contingency Contracting: A Framework For Reform - 2015 Update DODIG-2015-101.
Dec. 1, 2015
Project Announcement: Audit of Army Contractor Performance Assessment Reports for Nonsystems Contracts (Project No. D2016-D000CF-0045.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in November 2015. Our objective is to determine whether Army officials completed comprehensive and timely contractor performance assessment reports for nonsystems contracts as required by Federal and DoD policies. This is report Army Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance DODIG-2016-112.
Nov. 30, 2015
Project Announcement: Assessment of DoD Voting Assistance Programs for Calendar Year 2015
We plan to begin the subject assessment in December 2015. We are conducting this assessment in accordance with our recurring responsibilities under section 1566, title 10, United States Code, as amended.
Nov. 27, 2015
Project Announcement: Followup Audit on DoD IG Report No. DODIG-2014-054, "Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Paid Too Much for High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle Repair Parts," April 4, 2014 (Project No. D2015-D000XD-0260.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in September 2015. Our objective is to determine whether the Contracting Officer, Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime implemented recommendations B.2.a-b in DoD IG Report No. DODIG-2014-054 as agreed. This is report Followup Audit: DLA Officials Took Appropriate Actions to Address Concerns With Repair Parts for the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle DODIG-2016-083.
Nov. 25, 2015
Project Announcement: Assessment of U.S./Coalition Efforts to Train, Advise, Assist, and Equip the Afghan National Army Special Operations Forces (ANASOF) (Project No. D2016-D00SPO-0054.000)
We plan to begin the subject assessment immediately. We plan to visit or contact organizations and individuals in the continental United States and in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility that are responsible for training, advising, and equipping. This is report Assessment of U.S. and Coalition Efforts to Train, Advise, and Assist Afghan National Army Special Operations Forces (ANASOF) DODIG-2016-140.
Nov. 23, 2015
Project Announcement: Audit of the Navy's Management of Excess Materiel (Project No. D2016-D000RD-0052.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in November 2015. Our objective is to determine whether the Navy is effectively managing excess materiel. Specifically, we will determine whether the Navy is identifying and reporting excess materiel to the wholesale. This is report Management of Excess Material in the Navy's Real-Time Reutilization Asset Management Facilities Needs Improvement DODIG-2017-043.
Project Announcement: Audit of the Defense Logistics Agency's Demilitarization Program (Project No.D2016-D000RD-0057.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in November 2015. Our objective is to determine whether the Defense Logistics Agency is effectively controlling and disposing of DoD property through its demilitarization program. This is report Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Needs to Improve Demilitarization Program Self-Assessment Evaluations DODIG-2017-037.
Project Announcement: Audit of DoD's Chemical Surety Program (Project No. D2016-D000RF-0053.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in November 2015. Our objective is to determine whether DoD has effective controls over chemical surety materials in the possession or under the control of the Army and DoD contractors. This is report The Army Needs to Improve Controls Over Chemical Surety Materials DODIG-2017-090.
Nov. 19, 2015
Project Announcement: Quality Control Review of the United States Special Operations Command, Office of the Inspector General, Audit Organization (Project No. D2016-DAPOIA-0059.000)
We plan to begin the subject review in December 2015. The Government Auditing Standards require that an audit organization performing government audits have an appropriate internal quality control system and undergo an external quality control review every three years by an organization that is independent ofthe organization being reviewed.