March 3, 2015

Project Announcement: Termination of the Audit of the Department of the Navy’s Global Positioning System – Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Service (Project No. D2014-D000AJ-0137.000)

We are terminating the audit of Department of the Navy’s Global Positioning System – Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Service (Project No. D2014-D000AJ-0137.000), due to incomplete information to support reliable audit conclusions.

Feb. 23, 2015

Project Announcement: Evaluation of DoD Nuclear Enterprise Governance (Project No. D2015-DISPA1-0130.000)

We plan to begin the subject evaluation in February 2015.

Feb. 23, 2015

Project Announcement: Evaluation of Infrastructure Support to Integrated Tactical Warning Attack Assesment Ground Based Radars (Project No. D2015-DISPA1-0132.000)

We plan to begin this project in March 2015. The evaluation's objective is to determine whether materiel condition of the ground based radar sites is adequite to perform and sustain their required capabilities.

Feb. 20, 2015

Project Announcement: Evaluation of U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command Report of Investigation(Project No. 2015C001)

This evaluation is in response to a January 23, 2015, inquiry from Senator Mark Warner concerning an U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command’s (USACIDC’s) response to the Senator’s prior inquiry concerning a constituent’s complaint. This is report Evaluation of United States Army Criminal Investigation Command Sexual Assault Investigation DODIG-2016-006.

Feb. 18, 2015

Project Announcement: Audit of DoD Alaska Natural Resources Management Plan Contracts and Cooperative Agreements (Project No. D2015-D000CG-0128.000)

Our objective is to determine whether DoD properly awarded contracts and cooperative agreements on a sole-source basis for the development and implementation of integrated natural resources management plans on DoD installations in Alaska. This is report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Alaska District Needs to Improve Competitive Procedures for Cooperative Agreements for Alaska Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans DODIG-2015-174.

Feb. 12, 2015

Project Announcement: Audit of the Marine Corps Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar Program(Project No. D2015-D000AU-0129.000)

The audit will be the first in a series of audits on the Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar program. Our overall objective for the series of audits is to determine if the Marine Corps is effectively managing the Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar program during the low-rate initial production (initial production) phase. This is report Marine Corps Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar Program Management Met Acquisition Guidelines Intent, but Risks Remain DODIG-2015-158.

Feb. 12, 2015

Project Announcement: Review of the FY 2015 Military Retirement Fund Basic Financial Statements Audit(Project No. D2015-D000FP-0126.000)

We have contracted with the independent public accounting firm of Kearney and Company to audit the Military Retirement Fund Basic Financial Statements for FY 2015. This is report Independent Auditor's Report on the DoD Military Retirement Fund FY 2015 and FY 2014 Basic Financial Statements DODIG-2016-008.

Feb. 10, 2015

Project Announcement: Audit of Software Assurance in DoD Programs(Project No. D2015-D000RB-0125.000)

This is the first in a series of audits on software assurance. Our objective is to determine whether critical software components for selected Acquisition Category I programs received the required software assurance testing to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities in operational software. This is report DoD Needs to Require Performance of Software Assurance Countermeasures During Major Weapon System Acquisitions DODIG-2016-082.