Keyword: Afghanistan

May 30, 2012

Improving Army Contract Award and Management for Small Arms Acquired Using Afghanistan Security Forces Funds

This report is a result of Project No. D2011-D000AT-0246.000.

March 1, 2012

Project Announcement: Technical Assessment of Military Construction Compliance of Electrical Standards in Afghanistan

The objective of this project is to determine whether electrical systems in selected U.S. occupied facilities are in compliance with the United States Central Command Unified Facilities Criteria and National Electric Code standards. This is report Compliance with Electrical and Fire Protection Standards of U.S.Controlled and Occupied Facilities in Afghanistan DODIG-2013-099.

Feb. 14, 2012

Project Announcement: Technical Assessment of Military Construction Compliance of Fire Suppression Systems in Afghanistan

The objective of this project is to determine whether fire suppression systems in selected U.S. occupied facilities in Afghanistan complied with United States Central Command Unified Facilities Criteria and National Fire Protection Association standards. This is report Compliance with Electrical and Fire Protection Standards of U.S.Controlled and Occupied Facilities in Afghanistan DODIG-2013-099.

Jan. 5, 2012

DoD Needs to Improve Accountability and Identify Costs and Requirements for Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft (Redacted)

We reviewed the management of the DoD acquisition and support of non-standard rotary wing aircraft (NSRWA). We estimated that DoD obligated more than $1.6 billion over the last 5 years and planned for more than $1 billion in estimated future NSRWA efforts.