Keyword: Afghanistan

Feb. 11, 2022

Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel and Operation Enduring Sentinel I Quarterly Report to the United States Congress I October 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021

Publicly Released: February 15, 2022

This Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) report to the United States Congress is the 27th quarterly report detailing Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (OFS) and the 1st report on Operation Enduring Sentinel (OES).  The report summarizes significant events involving OFS and OES, and describes completed, ongoing, and planned Lead IG and partner agency oversight work.  This report covers the period from October 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021.  

Jan. 28, 2022

Project Announcement: Audit of the DoD’s Financial Management of the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (Project No. D2022-D000FV-0091.000)

We plan to begin the subject audit in February 2022. The objective of this audit is to determine whether the DoD managed the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We may revise the objective as the audit proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives.

Nov. 22, 2021

Semiannual Report to the Congress – April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021

Publicly Released: November 23, 2021

The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, requires the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) to prepare semiannual reports summarizing its activities for the preceding 6-month period. These semiannual reports are intended to keep the Secretary of Defense and Congress fully informed of significant findings, progress the DoD has made relating to those findings, and recommendations for improvement.

Nov. 15, 2021

Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel I Quarterly Report to the United States Congress I July 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021

Publicly Released: November 16, 2021

This Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) report to the United States Congress on Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (OFS) is the 26th quarterly report detailing the overseas contingency operation.  OFS began on January 1, 2015.The report summarizes significant events involving OFS and describes completed, ongoing, and planned Lead IG and partner agency oversight work.  This report covers the period from July 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021.  

Nov. 8, 2021

FY 2022 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Overseas Contingency Operations

This Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 2022) Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Overseas Contingency Operations (COP–OCO) is the seventh annual joint strategic oversight plan submitted to Congress by the Lead Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations (Lead IG).  This report describes the Lead IG and partner agencies’ oversight of U.S. activities in support of the ongoing overseas contingency operations.

Nov. 5, 2021

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the DoD’s Use of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet in Support of Afghanistan Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (Project No. D2022-DEV0PC-0032.000)

We plan to begin the subject evaluation in November 2021. The objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which the U.S. Transportation Command planned and used the Civil Reserve Air Fleet in support of noncombatant evacuation operations in Afghanistan in accordance with public law, and DoD and Service policies. We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives.

Sept. 23, 2021

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the August 29, 2021, Strike in Kabul, Afghanistan (Project No. D2021-DEV0PE-0165.000)

We plan to begin the subject evaluation on September 23, 2021. The objective of this evaluation is to determine whether the August 29, 2021, strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, was conducted in accordance with DoD policies and procedures. Specifically, we will review the pre-strike targeting process; the damage assessment and civilian casualty review and reporting process; and the post-strike reporting of information. We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives.

Sept. 23, 2021

Audit of Defense Logistics Agency Award and Management of Bulk Fuel Contracts in Areas of Contingency Operations (DODIG-2021-129)

Publicly Released: September 27, 2021

The objective of this audit was to determine whether DLA Energy personnel awarded bulk fuel contracts and met bulk fuel requirements, in areas of contingency operations, and had processes in place to ensure contractors met contractual obligations and followed anticorruption practices.

Sept. 22, 2021

Followup Audit of Army Oversight of Logistics Civil Augmentation Program IV Government-Furnished Property in Afghanistan (DODIG-2021-127)

Publicly Released: September 24, 2021

The objective of this followup audit was to determine whether the Army implemented the recommendations identified in Report No. DODIG-2018-040, “Army Oversight of Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Government-Furnished Property in Afghanistan,” December 11, 2017, to improve the accountability of Government furnished property (GFP).

Sept. 10, 2021

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the Screening of Displaced Persons from Afghanistan (Project No. D2021-DEVOPD-0161.000)

We plan to begin the subject evaluation in September 2021. This evaluation will determine the extent to which the DoD is managing and tracking displaced persons from Afghanistan through the biometrics enrollment, screening, and vetting process.