About DoD Hotline Posters
Specific statutes and regulations related to the Department of Defense Hotline Program require that DoD Hotline posters be posted in the workplace.
DoD Instruction 7050.01, "DoD Hotline Program," October 17, 2017, outlines the requirement for DoD components to maintain a public awareness campaign ensuring that the current DoD Hotline fraud, waste, and abuse hotline poster prepared by the DoD Office of the Inspector General, is displayed in common work areas.
Part 252.203-7004 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement requires certain Defense contractors to prominently display the DoD fraud, waste, and abuse hotline poster, prepared by the DoD Office of Inspector General, in common areas where contractors perform work under DoD contracts.
Additional DoD Office of Inspector General posters:
DoD Whistleblower Protection Coordinator: Provides information on whistleblower protection in the Department of Defense.
To download any of these posters, click on the image below. To order hard copies, scroll to the bottom of the page and submit the order form.
Ukraine Hotline Posters
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Update in Progress
Order DoD Hotline Posters
DoD Hotline poster requests are suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.