Sept. 1, 2014

Project Announcement: Evaluation of Transfer of lnternational Traffic in Arms Regulations ControlledMissile Defense Technology to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Project No. 2014C015)

The Department of Defense Office oflnspector General (DoD OIG) is initiating an evaluation, as directed in the House Report 113-446 to the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, of the transfer of International Traffic in Arms (ITAR). This is report Evaluation of the Transfer of International Traffic in Arms Regulation-Controlled Missile Defense Technology to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration DODIG-2015-146.

Sept. 1, 2014

Project Announcement: Evaluation of Aircraft Ejection Seat Safety When Using Advanced Helmet Sensors (Project No. D2014-DTOTAD-0002.000)

We are conducting this evaluation in response to H.R. 4435- FY15 National Defense Authorization Act. Our evaluation will determine if DoD ejection seats meet aircrew survivability and equipment airwmthiness requirements to include pilots and aircrew. This is report Evaluation of Aircraft Ejection Seat Safety When Using Advanced Helmet Sensors DODIG-2015-090.

Aug. 27, 2014

Project Announcement: F-35 Quality Assurance and Corrective Action Evaluation (Project No. D2014-DT0TAD-0004)

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoDIG) is performing a follow-on quality assurance and corrective action evaluation of the F-35 program. We will evaluate the program’s quality management systems and whether appropriate corrective actions. This is report F-35 Lightning II Program Quality Assurance and Corrective Action Evaluation DODIG-2015-092.

Aug. 18, 2014

Project Announcement: Summary of DoD Office of Inspector General Spare-Parts Pricing and InventoryAudits (Project No. D2014-D000AT-0215.000)

Our audit objective is to provide DoD information on contracting problems with spare-parts pricing and inventory that the DoD Office of Inspector General identified and reported. We will issue a summary report for your information and use. This is report Summary of DoD Office of Inspector General Spare-Parts Inventory Audits: Additional Guidance is Needed DODIG-2015-104. This is also report Summary of DoD Office of Inspector General Spare-Parts Pricing Audits: Additional Guidance is Needed DODIG-2015-103.

Aug. 15, 2014

Project Announcement: Audit of the Army Information Technology Contracts Issued Without Competition (Project No. D2014-D000CG-0214.000)

This audit is the second in a series of audits on Information Technology contracts issued without competition. The first audit, "Audit of DoD Information Technology Contracts Awarded Without Competition" (Project No. D2014-DOOOCG-0171.000), was announced. This is report The Army's Information Technology Contracts Awarded Without Competition Were Generally Justified DODIG-2015-096.

Aug. 14, 2014

Project Announcement: Audit of the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's Controls OverContracting (Project No. D2014-D000JB-0213.000)

The audit is being conducted in response to a statutory requirement. Our objective is to detetmine whether the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A) and the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's (GIRoA) Ministries of Defense. This is report The Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's Controls Over the ContractManagement Process for U.S. Direct Assistance Need Improvement DODIG-2015-082.

Aug. 13, 2014

Project Announcement: F-35 Engine Quality Assurance Evaluation(Project No. D2014-DTOTAD-0003.000)

The Depatiment of Defense Office oflnspector General (DoDIG) is performing a quality assurance evaluation of the F-35 engine procured by the Depmiment of Defense from Pratt & Whitney.

Aug. 8, 2014

Project Announcement: Audit of Defense Logistics Agency Product Quality Deficiency Report Processing (Project No. D2014-D000AG-0205.000)

Our objective is to determine whether Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) personnel are adequately processing product quality deficiency reports and identifying the root cause of deficiencies in spare-part quality. This will·be the first of a series of audits. This is report Defense Logistics Agency Can Improve Its Product Quality Deficiency Report Processing DODIG-2015-140.

Aug. 7, 2014

Project Announcement: Audit of the Cost-Effectiveness of the Patriot Express Program for OverseasPermanent Change of Station and Temporary Duty Travel (Project No. D2014-D000CJ-0192.000)

Our objective is to determine whether using Patriot Express channels for overseas permanent change of station and temporary duty travel is cost-effective to DoD. In addition, we will consider any force protection concems related to those channels. This is report Patriot Express Program Could Be More Cost-Effective for Overseas Permanent Change of Stationand Temporary Duty Travel DODIG-2015-143.

Aug. 5, 2014

Project Announcement: Audit of Chemical and Biological Defense Training for U.S. Forces in Korea (Project No. D2014-D000RF-0204.000)

Our objective is to determine whether forward-deployed forces assigned to U.S. Forces Korea are trained to defend against chemical and biological agents. This is the second in a series of audits on chemical and biological defense preparedness. This is report Chemical and Biological Training for Army and Marine Corps Units in the Republic of Korea Needs Improvement DODIG-2016-050.