Category: Evaluations
Keyword: Military OR Criminal OR Investigative

May 23, 2024

Evaluation of Combatant Command Joint Military Deception Planning (Report No. DODIG-2024-085)

This report contains classified information and no redacted version is available. To file a Freedom of Information Act Request, please submit a request to

March 28, 2024

Evaluation of DoD Voting Assistance Programs for Calendar Year 2023 (Report No. DODIG-2024-070)

The objective of this evaluation was to determine the effectiveness and compliance of the voting assistance programs of the Military Services during calendar year 2023 in accordance with the requirements of section 1566, title 10, United States Code, as amended.

March 25, 2024

Evaluation of the DoD Military Information Support Operations Workforce (DODIG-2024-068)

This evaluation was to determine the effectiveness of the DoD’s recruitment, training, and retention of military personnel conducting Military Information Support Operations (MISO).

Feb. 20, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the Accountability of PDA Defense Equipment Deliveries to Ukraine (Project No. D2024-DEV0PD-0090.000)

The objective of the evaluation is to determine whether the Defense Security Cooperation Agency and the Military Services are effectively and efficiently accounting for the delivery of Presidential Drawdown Authority defense equipment to Ukraine in accordance with DoD property book and DSCA security assistance policy.

Feb. 1, 2024

Executive Summary: Evaluation of DoD Efforts to Mitigate Foreign Influence When Foreign Investors Acquire Land or Property in Close Proximity to U.S. Military Facilities (Report No. DODIG-2024-050)

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General conducted an evaluation titled “Evaluation of DoD Efforts to Mitigate Foreign Influence When Foreign Investors Acquire Land or Property in Close Proximity to U.S. Military Facilities.”

Dec. 4, 2023

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the Military Services’ Training and Guidance on Political Conduct for the 2024 Election (Project No. D2024-DEV0PF-0038.000)

The objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which the Services are taking action to provide guidance and training for the 2024 election campaign season to help ensure that military members comply with DoD Directive 1344.10, “Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces.” We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives. We plan to perform this evaluation in accordance with the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency “Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation.”

Nov. 29, 2023

Management Advisory: Concerns with Access to Care and Staffing Shortages in the Military Health System (DODIG-2024-033)

This management advisory provides DoD leadership with a summary of the Service Inspectors General, Service Audit Agencies, and DoD Office of Inspector General (OIG) concerns related to access to care in the Military Health System. We previously provided copies of the draft advisory and requested written comments on the recommendations.

Oct. 26, 2023

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the DoD’s Efforts to Protect U.S. Personnel and Operations Supporting the Ukrainian Conflict (Project No. D2024-DEV0SI-0013.000)

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that we plan to begin the subject evaluation in October 2023. The objective of this evaluation is to determine whether the DoD is effectively and efficiently protecting U.S. military personnel and operations, to include executing counterintelligence activities, within the U.S. European Command in accordance with DoD policy. We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will also consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives. We plan to perform this evaluation in accordance with the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency “Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation.”

Oct. 16, 2023

Project Announcement: Evaluation of DoD Voting Assistance Programs for Calendar Year 2023 (Project No. D2024-DEV0PA-0001.000)

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that we plan to begin the subject evaluation in October 2023. The objective of this evaluation is to report on the effectiveness of the Services’ voting assistance programs, based on 2023 annual reviews by the respective Service Inspectors General, in accordance with section 1566, title 10, United States Code. We will also report on the DoD Components’ compliance with DoD policy on outreach to voters covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). Specifically, we will focus on access to absentee voter registration for voters covered by the UOCAVA, and the DoD’s handling of those absentee ballots. We will report on compliance with DoD Instruction 1000.04, “Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP),” November 12, 2019; DoD Directive 5101.11E, “DoD Executive Agent for the Military Postal Service (MPS) and Official Mail Program (OMP),” March 18, 2021; and DoD Instruction 4525.09, “Military Postal Service,” July 10, 2018 (Incorporating Change 2, May 24, 2022).

Sept. 25, 2023

Evaluation of the Military Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Adult Sexual Assault Investigations (DODIG-2023-124)

Publicly Released: September 27, 2023

The objective of this evaluation was to determine whether the Military Criminal Investigative Organizations (MCIOs) investigated reports of sexual assault with adult victims, as required by DoD, Service, and MCIO policy. The MCIOs are the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Air Force Office of Special Investigations. The objective of a special interest item in this evaluation was to determine whether the MCIOs had untested sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE) kits held as evidence that should have been submitted to a forensic laboratory for testing.