Keyword: afghanistan

March 22, 2013

Project Announcement: Audit of Redistribution Property Assistance Team Operations in Afghanistan

We plan to begin the subject audit in March2013.Our objective is to determine whether Redistribution Property Assistance Teams in Afghanistan have effective procedures in place to process equipment,to include preparation for shipment. This is report The Army Needs To Improve Property Accountability and Contractor Oversight at the Redistribution Property Assistance Team Yards in Afghanistan DODIG-2014-043.

March 13, 2013

Oversight of U.S. Military and Coalition Efforts to Improve Healthcare Conditions and to Develop Sustainable Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) Medical Logistics at the Dawood National Military Hospital

Personnel within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the U.S. Central Command and its subordinate commands in Afghanistan, the Military Departments, and Agencies that are responsible for and engaged in efforts to develop the capability...

March 8, 2013

Inadequate Contract Oversight of Military Construction Projects in Afghanistan Resulted in Increased Hazards to Life and Safety of Coalition Forces

Our objective was to determine whether the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE) provided effective oversight of construction projects in Afghanistan. We selected a nonstatistical sample of 4 of the 19 military construction projects located at Camps Bastion/Leatherneck....

Jan. 31, 2013

Critical Information Needed to Determine the Cost and Availability of G222 Spare Parts (Redacted)

We evaluated two contracts, as well as acquisition planning and program documentation, to determine whether the cost and availability of G222 spare parts will allow for continued sustainability of the aircraft.

Jan. 15, 2013

Quality Controls for the Rotary Wing Transport Contracts Performed in Afghanistan Need Improvement

We determined whether United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) contracting officials had adequate controls over the contracts for transportation of supplies, mail, and passengers in Afghanistan.

Dec. 18, 2012

Project Announcement: Planning for the Effective Development and Transition of Critical Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) Enablers to Post-2014 Capabilities

This assessment will determine whether U.S. and Coalition goals, objectives, plans, guidance and resources are sufficient to effectively develop, manage, and transition critical ANSF operational enablers to Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police capabilities. This is report Planning for the Effective Development and Transition of Critical ANSF Enablers to Post-2014 Capabilities Part I - Afghan National Army Enabler Description DODIG-2013-129.

Dec. 10, 2012

DoD OIG Semiannual Report to the Congress | April 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012

The Semiannual Report to the Congress for the reporting period of April 1 to September 30, 2012 has been issued. The report summarizes the significant achievements of DoD IG, as well as the audit and investigative agencies of the military departments. During the reporting period, DoD IG issued 79 reports to include audits, assessments and evaluations and identified potential monetary benefits of $2.8 billion. DCIS, working closely with counterpart law enforcement agencies, conducted investigations that resulted in 72 arrests, 167 criminal convictions, 37 suspensions, and 136 debarments, and generated a return of $3.3 billion to the U.S. government. This report highlights oversight efforts related to Afghanistan and warrior care. The report also summarizes significant accomplishments of DoD IG audits, investigations and inspections.

Dec. 3, 2012

Project Announcement: Department of Defense Execution of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Contributing Countries Donations to Afghanistan National Army Trust Fund for Approved Sustainment Projects as of September 30, 2012

This audit will determine whether the comptroller fairly presented receipts and expenditures of funds contributed to the Afghanistan National Army Trust Fund and transferred to DoD for execution under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding Among the United States of America and North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Supreme Headquarters Aliied Powers-Europe Regarding Mangement and Administration of Trust Fund Donations for Support and Sustainment of the Afghanistan National Army (ANA). This is report Independent Auditor's Report on the Examination of DoD Execution of North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Contributing Countries' Donations to Afghan National Army Trust Fund DODIG-2014-046.

Dec. 1, 2012

Project Announcement: Audit of the Shindand Training Contracts

The objective of this audit is to determine whether pilot training contracts for fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft at Shindand Air Base, an air base for the Afghanistan Air Force are properly managed and administered in accordance with federal and DoD requirements. This is report Shindand Pilot Training Contracts DODIG-2014-045.

Nov. 30, 2012

Supply Support Activities in Afghanistan Could Be Managed More Effectively to Improve Inventory Accountability (For Official Use Only)

The report is For Official Use Only. To file a Freedom of Information Act request, please submit a request to FOIA Online.