Keyword: afghanistan

Nov. 26, 2012

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Needs to Improve Contract Oversight of Military Construction Projects at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

This audit is one in a series of reports on military construction projects in Afghanistan. Our objective was to determine whether the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) provided effective oversight of military construction projects at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan....

Oct. 23, 2012

Performance Framework and Better Management of Resources Needed for the Ministry of Defense Advisors Program

In 2009, DoD developed the Ministry of Defense Advisors (MoDA) pilot program to support a pool of civilians capable of building ministerial capacity in Afghanistan. Our audit objective was to determine whether the program met its intended purpose....

Sept. 28, 2012

Assessment of U.S. Government and Coalition Efforts to Train, Equip and Field the Afghan Air Force

Personnel within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the U.S. Central Command and its subordinate commands in Afghanistan, the Military Departments, and agencies responsible for and engaged in training, mentoring, equipping, fielding, and other aspects...

Aug. 10, 2012

Project Announcement: Assessment on Equipping the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF)

The objective of this assessment is to determine whether equipment and ammunition for the ANSF have been procured in excess of currently stated requirements. In addition, the assessment will review any plans developed or being developed that describe the

Aug. 6, 2012

Project Announcement: Audit of U.S. Transportation Command’s Readiness for the Drawdown from Afghanistan

The objective of this audit is to determine whether U.S. Transportation Command officials are developing plans to provide sufficient government and contract capabilities to support U.S. Central Command requirements for the retrograde of cargo from Afghanistan. This is report Transportation Planning Is Sufficient for Retrograde Operations; However, There Is an Opportunity To Improve the Efficiency of Management Systems DODIG-2013-066.

June 18, 2012

Review of Stability Operations Information Centers in Afghanistan (For Official Use Only)

The report is For Official Use Only. To file a Freedom of Information Act request, please submit a request to FOIA Online.

May 30, 2012

Improving Army Contract Award and Management for Small Arms Acquired Using Afghanistan Security Forces Funds

This report is a result of Project No. D2011-D000AT-0246.000.