Tag: Project announcement

May 22, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the DoD and Services’ Response to Allegations of Abuse at Child Development Centers (Project No. D2024-DEV0PJ-0122.000)

The objective of the evaluation is to assess the effectiveness with which the DoD and Services developed and implemented policies and procedures for identifying and reporting allegations of child abuse at military-operated child development centers.

May 20, 2024

Project Announcement: Audit of Storage for U.S. Army Prepositioned Stocks in Belgium and the Netherlands (Project No. D2024-D000RH-0124.000)

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of the Army’s storage of prepositioned stocks in Belgium and the Netherlands (APS-2).

May 20, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of DoD’s Effectiveness in Negotiating Fair and Reasonable Prices with Contractors for Ukraine Security Assistance (Project No. D2024-DEV0SO-0116.000)

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that we plan to begin the subject evaluation in May 2024. The objective of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness with which DoD contracting officers negotiated fair and reasonable prices with contractors for Ukraine security assistance.

May 20, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of DoD Policies and Procedures to Protect National Security Academic Research from Foreign Influence and Other Security Threats (Project No. D2024-DEV0SI-0121.000)

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that we plan to begin the subject evaluation in May 2024. The objective of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness with which the DoD developed and implemented policies and procedures to protect national security academic research from foreign influence and other security threats.

May 6, 2024

Project Announcement: Evaluation of the Military Services’ Response to Complaints Related to Harassment Over Electronic Communications or Social Media (Project No. D2024-DEV0PJ-0117.000)

The objective of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness with which the Military Services responded to complaints related to harassment over electronic communications or social media, in accordance with DoD Instruction 1020.03, “Harassment Prevention and Response in the Armed Forces.”

April 29, 2024

Project Announcement: Review of the Army’s Future Soldier Preparatory Course (Project No. D2024-D0DIEM-0113.000)

The objective of this review is to assess the effectiveness of the Army’s Future Soldier Preparatory Course in increasing enlistment opportunities for individuals who otherwise would face barriers to service, and the impact of the program on diversity in the ranks.

April 29, 2024

Project Announcement: Audit of the Army’s Management of Force Provider Modules in U.S. Central Command (Project No. D2024-D000RJ-0118.000)

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness with which the Army managed the maintenance, storage, and accountability of Force Provider modules stored in U.S. Central Command area of responsibility in accordance with DoD and Army requirements.

April 15, 2024

Project Announcement: Audit of the Impact of Continuing Resolutions on DoD Acquisition Programs (Project No. D2024-D000AU-0112.000)

The objective of this audit is to determine DoD’s ability to effectively manage acquisition programs during continuing resolutions.