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April 30, 2015

U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess Processes for Fielding Cyber Mission Force Teams DODIG-2015-117

Our objective was to determine whether the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and the Military Services effectively fielded Cyber Mission Force (CMF) teams.

March 31, 2015

Summary of DoD Office of Inspector General Spare-Parts Inventory Audits: Additional Guidance is Needed (Redacted)

Summary of DoD Office of Inspector General Spare-Parts Inventory Audits: Additional Guidance is Needed (Redacted)

March 27, 2015

Information Operations in a Contingency Environment: Summary of Weaknesses Identified in Reports Issued From October 6, 2006, Through November 7, 2013 (Redacted) DODIG-2015-100

We summarized DoD information operations (IO) challenges in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa identified in audit reports issued by the DoD Office of Inspector General (OIG).

March 20, 2015

Evaluation of DoD's Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Support to Civil Authorities (Redacted)

Evaluation of DoD's Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Support to Civil Authorities (Redacted)

March 13, 2015

Navy Controls Over the Requirements Development Process for Military Construction Projects in the Kingdom of Bahrain Need Improvement (Redacted)

Navy Controls Over the Requirements Development Process for Military Construction Projects in the Kingdom of Bahrain Need Improvement (Redacted)

March 5, 2015

Air Force is Developing Risk-Mitigation Strategies to Manage Potential Loss of the RD-180 Engine (Redacted)

Air Force is Developing Risk-Mitigation Strategies to Manage Potential Loss of the RD-180 Engine (Redacted)

Feb. 24, 2015

Inspection of Department of Defense Detainee Transfers and Assurances

This is the fourth inspection conducted under a recommendation of the Special Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies (the Special Task Force), an interagency task force that Executive Order 13491 established on January 27, 2009. We ensured DoD detainee policies were in place and are being followed. We examined the number of detainees being transferred from Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility (GTMO) and Afghanistan between March 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014.

Feb. 12, 2015

The Navy Has Not Effectively Prepared the Ship-to-Shore Connector for Initial Production (Redacted)

The Navy Has Not Effectively Prepared the Ship-to-Shore Connector for Initial Production (Redacted)

Feb. 4, 2015

USSOCOM Needs to Consistently Follow Guidance to Revalidate Capability Requirements and Maintain Supporting Documentation for Special Operation-Peculiar Programs (Redacted)

USSOCOM Needs to Consistently Follow Guidance to Revalidate Capability Requirements and Maintain Supporting Documentation for Special Operation-Peculiar Programs (Redacted)

Jan. 27, 2015

Evaluation of Alternative Compensatory Control Measures (DODIG-2015-070)

Our objective was to evaluate Alternative Compensatory Control Measures (ACCM) program establishment and maintenance processes, structure, and use in accordance with DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, “DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information”; then-Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense of Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Memorandum, April 18, 2003, “ Revised Alternative Compensatory Control Measures (ACCM) Guidance”; and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3213.02A “Joint Staff Focal Point Communications Procedures Manual.”