If you are experiencing or know of a health and safety emergency involving immediate danger of physical harm to self or others, call 911 or your local law enforcement authority.


You have reached the official website for the DoD Hotline - a confidential means to report fraud, waste, abuse, and other violations of law or policy that affect DoD Military Services, Defense agencies, and other entities with a DoD nexus.  

24/7 confidential crisis support for veterans and their loved ones. Crisis support for the DoD community and their loved ones affected by sexual assault. Free 24/7 support for military members and their family.



Have you contacted your supporting Inspector General or equivalent office?
A quicker way to resolve your complaint could be to first contact your local Inspector General or equivalent office. In addition to receiving your complaint, your local Inspector General may be able to guide you to other channels for resolution and, if appropriate, can forward to the DoD OIG. 


If your complaint is related to one of the items listed below, please select the item and use the links or phone numbers to contact the appropriate agency to raise your concern.

  • Links to Military Service IG and DoD Agency Hotlines

    Consider contacting your Local Inspector General First

    If you would like to file a complaint directly with one of the services below, click the applicable icon or call the listed telephone number for additional information. 

         Army IG Hotline: (800) 752-9747  DSN: (312) 865-1845

         Marine Corps Hotline: (866) 243-3887

         Navy Hotline: (800) 522-3451 DSN: 288-6842

         Air Force Hotline: (800) 538-8429 Local: 202-404-5354


    Additional DoD Agencies. 


Hotline Resources

Hotline Phone Number:
800-424-9098 (Toll-Free)
703-604-8799 (Commercial)
664-8799 (DSN)

Southwest Asia Hotline Phone Number: 
877-363-3348 (Toll-Free)
664-1151 (DSN)