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May 21, 2018

Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom's Sentinel | Quarterly Report to the United States Congress | January 1, 2018 – March 31, 2018

This Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) report to the United States Congress on Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (OFS) is the 12th quarterly report detailing the overseas contingency operation. The report summarizes significant events involving OFS and describes completed, ongoing, and planned Lead IG and partner agency oversight work. This report covers the period from January 1, 2018, to March 31, 2018.

May 14, 2018

Office of Inspector General Department of Defense FY 2018-FY 2022 Strategic Plan

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) is an independent and objective office that provides oversight of DoD programs and operations. The DoD OIG also informs the Secretary of Defense, Congress, and the American Taxpayer about problems, deficiencies, and corrective actions within DoD programs and operations. The DoD OIG also serves as the Lead Inspector General for specified Overseas Contingency Operations, coordinating oversight activities and reporting quarterly to Congress on each operation.

May 9, 2018

DoD OIG Newsletter May 2018

The DoD OIG newsletter summarizes the reports and investigations released by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General in the previous month and those we anticipate releasing in the coming month.

May 4, 2018

Lead Inspector General for Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Pacific Eagle-Philippines | Quarterly Report to the United States Congress | January 1, 2018 – March 31, 2018

This is the 13th Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) quarterly report to the United States Congress on Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the overseas contingency operation (OCO) to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and the 2nd quarterly report on Operation Pacific Eagle-Philippines (OPE-P), the OCO to support the Philippine government’s fight against ISIS affiliates and other terrorist organizations.

April 18, 2018

Principal Deputy Inspector General Glenn Fine testifies before the House Committee on Government Reform

In his testimony before the House Committee on Government and Oversight Reform, Principal Deputy Inspector General Glenn Fine discusses the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General’s report on the “Top DoD Management Challenges for Fiscal Year 2018.” He also provides the committee with a brief description of how the report is created, what it is used for, and a brief description of some of the challenges.

April 12, 2018

Principal Deputy Inspector General Glenn Fine discusses the audit of the DoD's Consolidated Financial Statements and the OIG's "Most Improved" Award

Glenn Fine, the Defense Department's Principal Deputy Inspector General, discusses the audit of DoD's Consolidated Financial Statements and internal changes the DoD OIG has made to earn a new award as the "most improved" among inspectors general.

April 10, 2018

DoD OIG Newsletter April 2018

The DoD OIG newsletter summarizes the reports and investigations released by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General in the previous month and those we anticipate releasing in the coming month.

March 27, 2018

The Lead IG Special Report: Observations from Travel to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Qatar | March 2018

The Lead IG Special Report: Observations from Travel to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Qatar provides an overview of the second joint trip by the three Inspectors General (IGs) responsible for Lead IG oversight of overseas contingency operations—the Department of Defense IG, Department of State IG, and United States Agency for International Development IG.

March 19, 2018

DoD OIG awarded “most improved” in rankings of best places to work.

The Partnership for Public Service recognized the DoD OIG as both the most improved IG office in the US government & DoD component in 2017.

March 6, 2018

DoD OIG Newsletter March 2018

The DoD OIG newsletter summarizes the reports and investigations released by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General in the previous month and those we anticipate releasing in the coming month.