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Feb. 16, 2018

Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom's Sentinel | Quarterly Report to the United States Congress | October 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017

This Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) report to the United States Congress on Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (OFS) is the 11th quarterly report detailing the overseas contingency operation (OCO). The report summarizes significant events involving OFS and describes completed, ongoing, and planned Lead IG and partner agency oversight work. This report covers the period from October 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017.

Feb. 9, 2018

DoD Principal Deputy Inspector General's 7 Additional Principles

DoD OIG Principal Deputy Inspector General Glenn Fine wrote an article entitled "Seven Additional Principles of Highly Effective Inspectors General," which was recently published by the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity at Columbia Law School. The article was based on a speech PDIG Fine gave to a conference of the Association of Inspectors General. The article is a sequel to a previous article written by PDIG Fine, that was published by the Center, entitled “Seven Principles of Highly Effective Inspectors General.”

Feb. 8, 2018

DoD OIG Newsletter February 2018

The DoD OIG newsletter summarizes the reports and investigations released by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General in the previous month and those we anticipate releasing in the coming month.

Feb. 2, 2018

Lead Inspector General for Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Pacific Eagle-Philippines | Quarterly Report to the United States Congress | Oct. 1, 2017 – Dec. 31, 2017

This is the 12th Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) report to the United States Congress on Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the overseas contingency operation (OCO) to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). It also includes the 1st quarterly report on Operation Pacific Eagle-Philippines (OPE-P), the new OCO to support the Philippine government’s fight against ISIS affiliates and other terrorist organizations.

Jan. 31, 2018

DoD OIG Named 2017 Most Improved Among Federal IGs

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) was named the “2017 Most Improved Among Federal Inspectors General” by the Partnership for Public Service. The award was based on the results of the annual Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Viewpoint (FedView) Survey. Max Stier, the founder and CEO of the Partnership for Public Service, presented the award to the DoD OIG during a special presentation held January 29 at the Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia.

Jan. 16, 2018

DoD OIG Newsletter January 2018

The DoD OIG newsletter summarizes the reports and investigations released by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General in the previous month and those we anticipate releasing in the coming month.

Dec. 11, 2017

DoD OIG Newsletter December 2017

The DoD OIG newsletter summarizes the reports and investigations released by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General in the previous month and those we anticipate releasing in the coming month.

Dec. 6, 2017

Statement of Glenn A. Fine, Principal Deputy Inspector General, Performing the Duties of the Inspector General on Firearm Accessory Regulation and Enforcing Federal and State Reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Prepared statement for a hearing on “Firearm Accessory Regulation and Enforcing Federal and State Reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)” before the Senate Judiciary Committee, December 6, 2017.

Dec. 5, 2017

Evaluation of Fingerprint Card and Final Disposition Report Submissions by Military Service Law Enforcement Organizations

The objective of our evaluation was to determine whether all Military Services Law Enforcement Organizations (LEOs) had submitted fingerprint cards and final disposition reports for Military Service members convicted by court-martial of qualifying offenses, as required by DoD instruction. We reviewed these submissions for the period from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2016.